A Delhi court on Tuesday allowed foreign nationals from five countries to walk free on payment of different fines, after they accepted mild charges under the plea bargain process, related to various violations including visa norms while attending Tablighi Jamaat congregation in Delhi during the COVID-19 lockdown, a lawyer said.
Away from family, a civil defence volunteer in Delhi worked tirelessly for extra hours over the past months to help migrant labourers and stranded, impoverished people with food packets. Then the virus caught him. Arun Singh, 48, breathed his last at a hospital in Dwarka on Monday.
The 82-kilometre Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS will boast a 180 kmph design speed, first of its kind rolling stock in India.The trains will reduce travel time from Delhi to Meerut to less than 60 minutes
New Delhi: More than a month after the notification for turning Hindu Rao Hospital into a Covid-designated facility was issued, the tertiary care faci.
Delhi's sustained progress in keeping its daily COVID-19 cases down despite ramping up its testing, has led some to speculate that its peak may soon be arriving.
Despite the Delhi government announcement, NSUT and DTU are going ahead with end semester exams of intermediate semesters claims DU’s Executive council.
The incident came to light on July 7 after Sumit Jaiswal (26) reported to the K N Katju Marg police station about the theft of his car from outside his house at Sector 16, Rohini, according to the police.
Having tested positive for Covid earlier this month, Arun Singh, a civil defence volunteer, was hospitalised on July 4. He breathed his last at Dwarka’s Venkateshwar Hospital around 9.30 pm Monday.