The police on Wednesday told the Delhi High Court it has not seen the tweets of deceased Sunanda Pushkar nor was it relying on them in the case related to her death in which, her husband and Congress MP Shashi Tharoor is the sole accused. The investigating agency said that her tweets are not part of the record or the charge sheet filed in the case and if Tharoor wants to rely
New Delhi, July 15
A restaurant owner and his brother have been arrested for organising a social gathering in violation of restrictions imposed in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and serving liquor to
The air quality over Delhi national capital region (NCR) will remain satisfactory on Wednesday, said Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan.
New Delhi, July 15
A Delhi court on Wednesday granted bail to 200 Indonesians who were chargesheeted for attending Tablighi Jamaat congregation here allegedly in violation of visa norms, indulg
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said the COVID-19 situation in the national capital is better than in June, but the war against the disease has not been won yet.
Air India has started the process of identifying employees, based on various factors like efficiency, health and redundancy, who will be sent on compulsory leave without pay (LWP) for up to five years, according to an official order.
New Delhi, Jul 15 () A restaurant owner and his brother have been arrested for organising a social gathering in violation of restrictions imposed in the wake
Even if a pregnant woman meets the criteria for coronavirus testing, she should be tested, but obstetrics management would not be delayed, the government said
Coronavirus India Live Updates, Lockdown Latest News Today, Covid-19 Cases Tracker, Covid-19 Vaccine, Corona Cases in India News Update: The number of novel coronavirus cases in India rose to 9.3 lakh Wednesday, after 29,429 new infections were reported from across the country a day before. Over 24,300 people have succumbed to the disease, while nearly 60,000 have recovered.
At a press conference Tuesday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal highlighted that government schools had registered a better pass percentage, at almost 98%, than private schools for the fifth year in a row.
Delhi Government apprised the High Court that until a pregnant women has come in a contact of COVID-19 positive patient or if she is a suspicious case of the infection, then only the test will be done.HC further stated that as proper measures have already been taken by the state, no directions are needed now
The announcement came after the Delhi government's decision to cancel all forthcoming semester and finals exams of universities under it due to the COVID-19 situation.
India resumed domestic passenger flights on May 25 after a gap of two months due to the coronavirus-triggered lockdown.Get latest Aviation online at
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According to the chart, the speed limit for any road between Outer Ring Road and Ring Road is fixed at 50 km/h, while Barapullah Elevated Road and Salimgarh Bypass have a speed limit of 70 km/h.